The Planned Maintenance area of the business is effectively separated into two sections:
1. Cyclical maintenance, which involves continually servicing equipment, statutory inspections and ongoing general cleanliness and maintenance;
2. Packaged or planned works, which are generally replacement works such as kitchens, bathrooms, windows and doors.
Andium has established its decent homes configuration based upon the UK’s “Decent Homes Standard” which is a technical standard for public housing, aiming to provide a minimum standard of housing conditions for all those who are housed in the public rental sector. Andium Homes is now Decent Homes compliant and we will ensure we are compliant at the end of each calendar year.
We intend to publish a programme of kitchen and bathrooms that are due to be surveyed to assess their age and potential replacement, to enable all clients to see when these replacements may happen in their homes. In the meantime please ring our Client Services team on 01534 500700 to find out more information.
The decoration programme is as follows, we will publish our plans for other
works we intend to carry out on your property in this section:
Please check back regularly as these programmes are subject to change and additional works will be added over time. If you have any queries please do not hesitate to call our Client Services team on 01534 500700.